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[Column]2021 노벨문학상 32년만에 아프리카 작가 수상



Who is he?

Gurnah was born in 1948, growing up in Zanzibar. When Zanzibar went through a revolution in 1964, citizens of Arab origin were persecuted, and Gurnah was forced to flee the country when he was 18. He began to write as a 21-year-old refugee in England, choosing to write in English, although Swahili is his first language. His first novel, Memory of Departure, was published in 1987. He has until recently been professor of English and postcolonial literatures at the University of Kent, until his retirement.

구르나는 1948년에 잔지바르에서 태어났다. 잔지바르가 1964년 혁명을 겪었을 때, 아랍 출신 시민들은 박해를 받았고, 구나는 18살 때 그 나라에서 탈출할 수 밖에 없었다. 그는 비록 스와힐리어가 그의 모국어이지만 영어로 쓰기를 선택하면서 영국에서 21세의 난민으로 글을 쓰기 시작했다. 그의 첫 소설, 출발의 기억은 1987년에 출판되었습니다. 그는 최근까지 켄트 대학에서 영문학 및 탈식민지문학 교수로 재직했으며 은퇴할 때까지 재직했다.




The Nobel prize in literature has been awarded to the novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah, for his “uncompromising and 

compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee in the gulf between cultures and

노벨 문학상은 소설가 압둘라작 구르나에게 수여되었다. 그는 "식민주의의 영향과 문화와 대륙 사이의 걸프 지역에서 난민들의 운명을 비타협적이고 동정적으로 침투"한 공로로 노벨 문학상을 수상했다.


Anders Olsson, chair of the Nobel committee, said that the Gurnah’s novels – from his debut Memory of Departure, 

about a failed uprising, to his most recent, Afterlives – “recoil from stereotypical descriptions and open our gaze to 

a culturally diversified East Africa unfamiliar to many in other parts of the world”.

노벨 위원회의 위원장인 안데르스 올손은 그의 데뷔작인 출발의 기억에서부터 실패한 봉기에 대한 그의 가장 최근의 애프터라이브에 이르기까지 구르나의 소설들이 "전형적인 묘사로부터 벗어나 세계의 많은 사람들에게 낯선 문화적으로 다양화된 동아프리카에 눈을 뜨게 한다"고 말했다.


“[Gurnah] has consistently and with great compassion penetrated the effects of colonialism in East Africa, and its effects on the lives of uprooted and migrating individuals,” Olsson told journalists in Stockholm.

올손은 스톡홀름의 기자들에게 "구르나는 동아프리카의 식민주의의 영향과 뿌리째 뽑히고 이주하는 사람들의 삶에 미치는 영향을 일관되고 큰 동정심을 가지고 침투해 왔다"고 말했다.





“It’s not always asylum seeking, it can be so many reasons, it can be trade, it can be commerce, it can be education,

it can be love,” she said. “The first of his novels I took on at Bloomsbury is called By the Sea, and there’s this

haunting image of a man at Heathrow airport with a carved incense box, and that’s all he has. He arrives, and he

says one word, and that’s ‘asylum’.”

Pringle said Gurnah had always written about displacement, “but in the most beautiful and haunting ways of what it is that uproots people and blows them across continents”.

프링글은 거나가 항상 이동에 대해 썼지만, "가장 아름답고 잊혀지지 않는 방식으로 사람들을 뿌리째 뽑고 대륙을 가로질러 날려버린다"고 말했다.



“In Gurnah’s literary universe, everything is shifting – memories, names, identities. This is probably because his

project cannot reach completion in any definitive sense,” said Olsson. “An unending exploration driven by intellectual

passion is present in all his books, and equally prominent now, in Afterlives, as when he began writing as a 21-year-old refugee.”

"구르나의 문학 세계에서는 기억, 이름, 정체성 등 모든 것이 변화하고 있습니다. 이것은 아마도 그의 프로젝트가 어떤 결정적인 의미에서도 완성될 수 없기 때문일 것입니다," 라고 올슨이 말했다. "지적인 열정에 의해 추진된 끊임없는 탐험이 그의 모든 책에 존재하고 있으며, 그가 21세의 난민으로 글을 쓰기 시작했을 때와 마찬가지로 지금도 똑같이 두드러지고 있습니다."



Maya Jaggi, critic and 2021 Costa Prize judge said: “Gurnah, whom I first interviewed for the Guardian in 1994, is a 

powerful and nuanced writer whose elliptical lyricism counters the silences and lies of imperial history imposed when

 he was a child in east Africa. His subtle oeuvre is as robust about the brutal flaws of the mercantile culture he left 

as the atrocities of British and German colonialism, not least during the first world war, and the ‘random acts of

 terror’ he experienced as a black person in Britain - converting them into a comic triumph in his 1988 novel 

Pilgrims Way.”

비평가이자 2021년 코스타상 심사위원인 마야 자기는 말했다: "내가 1994년 가디언지에서 처음 인터뷰한 구르나는 힘있고 미묘한 차이를 지닌 작가이다. 그의 타원형 서정성은 그가 동아프리카에서 어렸을 때 부과된 제국 역사의 침묵과 거짓말과 배치된다. 그의 미묘한 묘기는 적어도 1차 세계대전 중 영국과 독일 식민주의의 잔혹행위, 그리고 그가 영국에서 흑인으로 겪었던 무모한 테러행위만큼이나 그가 남긴 상업문화의 잔혹한 결함에 대해 강렬하게 표현하고 있는데, 이 결점들을 1988년 소설 필그림스 웨이에서 희극적인 승리로 바꾸어 놓았다.







Abdulrazak Gurnah wins the 2021 Nobel prize in literature

Zanzibari novelist becomes first black African writer in 35 years to win prestigious award



Wikipedia  Abdulrazk Gurnah





Word to Me

re · coil : (무섭거나 불쾌한 것을 보고)움찔하다, (어떤 생각상황에 대해 혐오감공포심으로) 움츠러들다

dis · place · ment : (제자리에서 쫓겨난) 이동
nu · ance : 뉘앙스

el · lip · tic · al : (문장에서 단어(들)가) 생략된, 타원형의

lyri · cism : (시·미술·음악 등에서) 서정적인 표현[서정성]

oeuvre : (한 작가·화가 등의) 모든 작품

per · se · cute : (특히 인종·종교·정치적 이유로) 박해하다, 귀찮게 굴다

deem : (...로)여기다[생각하다]
