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Mind Security/Column

[Colum]행복해지는 방법(마음, 집, 관계, 일과 돈 그리고 행복한 삶)


원글에서 추출



  1. Conquer Negative Thinking
    • Don’t try to stop negative thoughts.
    • Treat yourself like a friend.
    • Challenge your negative thoughts.
  2. Controlled Breathing
    • Studies have found, for example, that breathing practices can help reduce symptoms associated with anxiety, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and attention deficit disorder. 
  3. Rewrite Your Story
    • Writing about oneself and personal experiences — and then rewriting your story — can lead to behavioral changes and improve happiness. 
  4. Get Moving
    • Most of the time it wasn’t rigorous activity but just gentle walking that left them in a good mood.
  5. Practice Optimism
    • After a job loss, for instance, many people may feel defeated and think, “I’ll never recover from this.” 
    • An optimist would acknowledge the challenge in a more hopeful way, saying, 
    • “This is going to be difficult, but it’s a chance to rethink my life goals and find work that 
    • truly makes me happy.”



원글에서 추출

  1. Finding Your Happy Place
    • Find a sustaining and satisfying job; do your best to live in a happy place; surround yourself with 
    • social support; take care of your health; and be generous (in spirit, time and money) in order to
    • pave your own personal road to happiness.
  2. Choosing a Happy Community
    1. Openness: People are happy when they live in a community that is welcoming to all.
    2. Beauty: Living in a scenic, picturesque or charming community, with lots of trees and green space, makes people happier.
    3. Social opportunities: When a community is designed to foster social connections — restaurants, community spaces, sidewalks, trails and other public spaces — people are happier.
  3. Spend Time in Nature
    • We know that walking on quiet, tree-lined paths can result in meaningful improvements to mental health, and even physical changes to the brain.
  4. Declutter (But Save What Makes You Happy)
    • Getting organized is unquestionably good for both mind and body
  5. The 1-Minute Rule
    • Do any task that can be finished in one minute. 
  6. Good Things Happen in the Bedroom
    • many people who study and write about happiness encourage people to focus on life in the bedroom.



원글에서 추출


  1. Spend Time With Happy People
    • Studies consistently show that our own happiness is linked with the happiness of others.
  2. Cats and Dogs Make Us Happy
    • pet owners were happier, healthier and better adjusted than were non-owners. 
  3. You Can Be Happy Alone
    • if you are already a happy person, you will not gain much extra happiness from marriage, probably 
    • because you already have a rich social network. 




원글에서 추출

일과 돈

  1. Money Doesn't Buy Happiness
    • once people escape poverty and achieve a middle-class or slightly higher lifestyle, more money does not result in significantly more happiness.
  2. Find Purpose at Work
    1. Renewal: Employees who take a break every 90 minutes report a 30 percent higher level of focus than those who take no breaks or just one during the day. They also report a nearly 50 percent greater capacity to think creatively and a 46 percent higher level of health and well-being. The more hours people work beyond 40 — and the more continuously they work — the worse they feel, and the less engaged they become. By contrast, feeling encouraged by one’s supervisor to take breaks increases by nearly 100 percent people’s likelihood to stay with any given company, and also doubles their sense of health and well-being.
    2. Value: Feeling cared for by one’s supervisor has a more significant impact on people’s sense of trust and safety than any other behavior by a leader. Employees who say they have more supportive supervisors are 1.3 times as likely to stay with the organization and are 67 percent more engaged.
    3. Focus: Only 20 percent of respondents said they were able to focus on one task at a time at work, but those who could were 50 percent more engaged. Similarly, only one-third of respondents said they were able to effectively prioritize their tasks, but those who did were 1.6 times better able to focus on one thing at a time.
    4. Purpose: Employees who derive meaning and significance from their work were more than three times as likely to stay with their organizations — the highest single impact of any variable in our survey. These employees also reported 1.7 times higher job satisfaction and they were 1.4 times more engaged at work.
  3. Buying Time Promotes Happiness
    • Harvard researchers found that spending money on convenience items and time-saving services help can lower stress and make us happier.




원글에서 추출

행복한 삶

  1. Be Generous
    • In fact, just thinking about being generous and kind triggers a happiness reaction in our brains.
  2. Volunteer
    • Volunteering is linked to health benefits like lower blood pressure and decreased mortality rates. We also know that volunteering builds your resilience.
  3. Give Yourself a Break
    • Take this mini-test to see if you are hard on yourself or more likely to give yourself a break. 
    • Use a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being "less likely to feel that way" and 5 being "very likely to feel that way."
      1. I’m disapproving and judgmental about my own flaws and inadequacies. 
      2. When I’m feeling down I tend to obsess and fixate on everything that’s wrong.
      3. When I fail at something important to me I become consumed by feelings of inadequacy.
      4. When times are really difficult, I tend to be tough on myself.
      5. When I see aspects of myself that I don’t like, I get down on myself.
      6. When things are going badly for me, I see the difficulties as part of life that everyone goes through.
      7. When something upsets me I try to keep my emotions in balance.
      8. When something painful happens I try to take a balanced view of the situation. 
      9. When I fail at something important to me I try to keep things in perspective. 
      10. I’m tolerant of my own flaws and inadequacies.







How to Be Happy

Happiness isn’t something that just happens to you: Take these small steps to create a happier life.


