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[Column]일은 과연 우리에게 삶에 의미를 줄 수 있을까? source : https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/09/23/opinion/covid-return-to-work-rto.html A dozen years ago, my friend Patricia Nordeen was an ambitious academic, teaching at the University of Chicago and speaking at conferences across the country. “Being a political theorist was my entire adult identity,” she told me recently. Her work determined where she lived and who her friends were. Sh..
[Colum]행복해지는 방법(마음, 집, 관계, 일과 돈 그리고 행복한 삶) 마음 Conquer Negative Thinking Don’t try to stop negative thoughts. Treat yourself like a friend. Challenge your negative thoughts. Controlled Breathing Studies have found, for example, that breathing practices can help reduce symptoms associated with anxiety, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and attention deficit disorder. Rewrite Your Story Writing about oneself and personal ..
[Column]The docility myth flattening Asian women’s careers The stereotype Ahmed refers to is an enduring one. In one study of Asian American women who had experienced discrimination, 14% said that others had viewed them as incapable of becoming leaders, while 34% reported that others had assumed they were submissive or passive. 아흐메드가 말하는 고정관념은 지속될 것이다. 차별을 경험한 아시아계 미국인 여성에 대한 한 연구에서 14%는 다른 사람들이 자신을 지도자가 될 능력이 없다고 봤다고 답했고, 34%는 자신이 순종적이거나 수동적이라고 생각한다고 응..